by Deb Whitehorse | Dec 28, 2021 | 2021, 2022, Home Page, Western Region Championship

2022 Western Region Championship Notice of Race
Date: Rescheduled for January 8-9, 2022
Location: TBD. The Western Region includes Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and Indiana.
Next Update: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 by 5 PM CT
Via Western Region Commodore Chris Berger US5166
The 2022 Western Region Championship has been postponed until January 8-9, 2022. Warm weather followed by a snow event has left us with no viable sites. With colder weather moving in, we are optimistic for good conditions the weekend of January 8-9. The next update is on Tuesday, January 4, by 5 PM CT. Have a Happy New Year!
by Deb Whitehorse | Dec 19, 2021 | 2021, 2022, Home Page
Runner Tracks
The Online Magazine of the International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association
Latest Issue: December 2021

Just in time for the holidays, 32 pages of the best in DN sailing and the last issue of 2021. Many thanks to our advertisers who help bring Runner Tracks to you.
Flipbook Magazine
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- What’s Coming Out of Your Megaphone? by Daniel Hearn
- Commodore’s Column
- Siberian Adventure by Reuben Snodgress
- Thoughts on Runner Specifications by Warren Nethercote
- Western Challenge Junior Sailing Report by Erin Bury
- Western Challenge Photos & Report by Deb Whitehorse
Get this issue in a full color soft cover book for $18.
by Deb Whitehorse | Dec 7, 2021 | 2021, Home Page

Western Challenge sailors on Lake Christina may have noticed the drone buzzing around over the weekend. Montana photographer Sean Heavey made the trip to the Challenge and has shared his photos. He sends his apologies for not getting everyone’s pictures because he spent a lot of time practicing flying the new drones and figuring out to cover the action with them. See the photos here.
by Deb Whitehorse | Sep 2, 2021 | 2021, Home Page
Runner Tracks
The Online Magazine of the International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association
September 2021

The 21-22 season is starting to rev up. This month’s newsletter will inspire you to get those runner sharpened for December’s first ice. IDNIYRA and IDNIYRA Europe have combined forces with a new website,, a portal that will host information common to both continents. The website is also designed to attract new DN sailors and sponsors with the best video and photos that tell the DN story. Thanks to our sponsors for supporting the class and making Runner Tracks possible.
Flipbook Magazine
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Download single page pdf (best for phones)
- Better Late Than Never by Eric Smith
- Commodore’s Column
- The New DN World Portal
- Zen, Adrenaline, & Reflection by Rhea Nicholas
Get this issue in a full color soft cover book for $18. 
by Deb Whitehorse | May 29, 2021 | 2021, Home Page

Via Mihkel Kosk C45 and Ron Sherry US44.
Estonian DN sailor, Tiit Hagma C10, passed away peacefully at home on 28 May 2021. Tiit won the 1984 DN Gold Cup sailed at Krynica Morska in Poland. The regatta is memorable for a field of 240 competitors, certainly one of the largest DN championships in history. Ron Sherry US44 remembers “driving back to the hotel with him in 1984 in Poland to pick up some Boston Sails. He was so calm and matter of fact. I told him if I had won, I would be like a NASA Launch.”
Mihkel Kosk recalls Tiit’s life outside of DN sailing, “The big thing that he was also a great talent in music and in the USSR time a part and member of a band Ruja. Ruja was as popular in Estonia as the Rolling Stones were in the states and very much on the legal line with the USSR officials!”
Read more about his music here.
Via the Kalevi Yacht Club:
Tiit Haagma, an honorary member of the club, has left us. Tiit was born on April 5, 1954, in Tallinn. He started sailing in 1961 under the supervision of Enn Metsar. Tiit was brought to ice sailing by another legendary Star sailor, Peeter Leola. For many years, ice sailing became the main area of Tiit. In 1984 he won the world championship title in the DN class as the third Estonian ice sailor; five years later, he won a bronze medal at the European Championships; in 1989, he added a World Championship silver to his medal collection. At the N Union Championships, he won a bronze medal in 1979 and 1980, a gold medal in 1982 and 1986 and a silver medal in 1983, and a silver medal in 1983. Tiit has won silver at the 1991 World Yacht Regatta and bronze at the 2007 ORC World Sailing Championships in sailing. Tiit has once (1986) become the Estonian master in ice sailing and seven times in 1988-2004 in offshore sailing. In 2007, he also became a Finnish champion in offshore sailing. In 1979, Tiit became a champion in sailing and, in 1984, a master in ice sailing. In the same year, he was chosen as the best male athlete in Estonia and an honorary member of Kalev. Tiit was also a renowned musician; he played bass guitar in the bands Varjud and Ruja in 1972-1986. From 1973 to 1986, Tiit worked as a trainer in sailing and ice sailing circles, and for 40 years, he was known not only for his sailing skills but especially as a worthy sailor. His sewn C-sails, WB sails, and HT sails have taken our sailors and ice sailors to both Estonian championship and title medals. Tiit was a nice companion, with whom it was always nice to talk, and every time he had a new anecdote or a nice story to tell. The spinning material no longer scratches under Tiit’s hand, and his ¼ ton Sea Eagle has been standing sadly on the shore for some time. We mourn you and wish you a happy wind on the sea of eternity, Tiit.
by Deb Whitehorse | May 29, 2021 | 2021, Home Page

Forty-six percent of 209 eligible voters participated in the IDNIYRA 2021 Spring Ballot for Officers. This response rate is consistent with the 2019 and 2020 Spring ballots which had 44% participation.
The results for election of Officers were as follows, with all proposals being approved by simple majority:
- Commodore, Jody Kjoller (US 5435): 95 votes for, 1 against and 1 abstention
- Vice Commodore, David Frost (US 5358): 94 votes for and 3 abstentions
- Past Commodore, Robert Cummins (US 3433): 93 votes for, 1 against and 2 write-ins (John Harper and Kent Baker)
- Secretary, Deb Whitehorse (US 2366): 96 for and 1 abstention
- Treasurer, Deb Whitehorse (US 2366): 97 votes for.
The results for modifications to the IDNIYRA Constitution were as follows, with both proposals being approved with the required 2/3rds ‘yes’ vote:
- Amendment of Article XI to include explicit processes for member proposals for amendments to the Official Specifications: 86 votes for, 3 against and 9 abstentions
- Amendment of Article VII to reduce the lead time required for submission of proposals for the Annual Meeting: 87 votes for, 2 against and 8 abstentions.
The elected Officers assume their new responsibilities and the amendments to the Constitution take effect 1 July, 2021.
I would like to thank those members who participated in the ballot for their interest in the governance of the DN Class.
Warren Nethercote, KC 3786
Commodore IDNIYRA (for just a little while longer!)