Link to Results
The results have been tabulated in the International DN Ice Yacht Racing Association Election of 2019/2020 IDNIYRA Officers/New By-Law.

In summary, the proposed slate of officers has been elected and the proposed addition to the by-laws has been approved, with 90% of those voting in support.

Commodore: Warren Nethercote: 102 votes, 103 votes tallied and 4 abstentions from 107 ballots
Vice Commodore: Jody Kjoller: 104 votes, 105 votes tallied and 2 abstentions from 107 ballots
Secretary: Deb Whitehorse: 105 votes, 106 votes tallied and 1 abstention from 107 ballots
Treasurer: Deb Whitehorse: 103 votes, 106 votes tallied and 1 abstention from 107 ballots,
John Stanton 1 vote tallied,
“I do not advocate for an officer holding 2 positions” 1 vote
Past Commodore: Bob Cummins: 98 votes, 101 votes tallied and 6 abstentions from 107 ballots,
Kent Baker 2 votes tallied

Add Paragraph M to the RACING RULES section of the IDNIYRA by-laws: 92 yes, 10 no, 102 votes tallied and 5 abstentions from 107 ballots