DN Class Updates: Specifications Rewrite, Elections, and 2025 Regatta Planning

We have several important updates to share with you regarding recent developments and upcoming events.

Specifications Rewrite
In the fall of 2023, our class voted and approved a comprehensive rewrite of the Specifications, specifically focusing on sections A (Fuselage) and B (Runner Plank). The proposal from the Technical Committee is effective on May 31, 2024.

The main goals of the rewrite were to:
1. Incorporate the Interpretations into Official Specifications.
2. Rewrite for more user-friendly wording.
3. Enrich each section with a measurement guide and measurement drawings.
4. Consolidate fragmented sections.
5. Eliminate loopholes and grey areas by providing more precise definitions.
6. Maintain the existing specifications.
(See Runner Tracks September 2022 for more information.)

The online yearbooks on idniyra.org and dniceboat.org have been updated to reflect these changes. Additionally, the specifications pages on the DN world portal (dniceboat.org) have been updated. The new drawings look fantastic online and serve as a valuable resource for our members.
2024 IDNIYRA Yearbook Second Edition
DN World Portal Specifications A. Fuselage: 
DN World Portal: Specifications B. Runner Plank

North American Officer Election
Please remember to participate in the North American Officer election. The election closes on June 9, so be sure to cast your vote before the deadline.
More information here.

2025 Regatta Planning
We are already looking ahead to the regattas in 2025. The North American Central Region, under the leadership of Rear Commodore Peter Johanson US5633, will be hosting the IDNIYRA World Championship from February 2 to 8. Additionally, the IDNIYRA European Championship is scheduled for February 22 to March 1 and will be hosted by DN Finland.

New European Commodore
Congratulations to John Winquist L601 on his recent election as the new IDNIYRA European Commodore at the European Secretaries Meeting. We look forward to his leadership and contributions to the DN community. Many thanks to outgoing Commodore Mihkel Kosk C45 for his service to the class.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement with our class. Let’s look forward to an exciting season ahead!

IDNIYRA Technical Committee: Icewise Runner Planks

The IDNIYRA Technical Committee has determined based on facts found from numerous Hamrak/Icewise existing runner planks, that they fail to satisfy class specifications . Much time and careful consideration has gone into this decision. As of this notice, ALL Hamrak/Icewise runner planks shall be deemed illegal from this point going forward.


Owners who have found themselves with such a runner plank(s) may attempt to verify construction in order to exonerate them for use in IDNIYRA competitions.


The required method to do this shall be by providing a core sample of each plank within a designated area (see attached Image) Hole must be ¾” /19 mm diameter and go completely through full max thickness point of plank in region.


A hole saw must be used. NOT a drill bit. Remnant plug from hole saw is to be inspected and digitally photographed as well as a closeup up the hole itself showing interior construction if possible. Plug and or its remnants are the best way to evaluate.


IDNIYRA in NORTH AMERICA: These photographs shall be forwarded to any North American Technical Committee member for determination of legality. (North American TC members: Jeff Kent, Paul Goodwin, Steve Orlebeke)
IDNIYRA EUROPE: These photographs shall be forwarded to any class or National measurer, or to any member of the European Technical Committee for determination of legality. (European TC members: David Croner, Tomek Zackrzewski, Argo Vooreemaa)


If found to comply with specifications, area of hole may be repaired but not to be covered by paint or excessive fillers . Area of hole shall remain exposed until plank has been deemed legal by core sample / inspection and used in a continental regatta or higher to demonstrate its allowed use.


After that it may be faired and painted if so desired It is suggested you retain any and all information regarding this verification for future use. Hopefully you will not need to.


Voted by the TC

Jeff Kent US3535, Chairman, IDNIYRA Technical Committee
David Croner S1
Paul Goodwin US46
Tomek Zackrzewski P55
Steve Orlebeke US4926
Argo Vooreemaa C36
Click here to download a pdf file to print.

IDNIYRA Technical Committee Sept 2022 Update

Today we have finished work on two sections of IDNIYRA OFFICIAL SPECIFICATIONS.

Thanks to modern technology, Technical Committee met six times online for two-hour sessions each to prepare a updated version of the class rules.

We would like to thank Warren Nethercote for laying the foundation for the committee’s work. Without Warren’s work, it would not be possible to achieve our goals.

We hope that our work will be positively received by members of the DN class and that the proposed rule format will be voted on.

TC members will be happy to answer any questions that may arise after publication in Runner Tracks [September 2022].

On behalf of TC,

Tomek Zakrzewski, P-55

IDNIYRA Technical Committee Update

The IDNIYRA Technical Committee has been working diligently over the summer for the DN Class. Here’s an update on their progress.
Via  TC member Tomek Zackrzewski P55:

Here is short summary of what has happened within TC:

On Sunday, August 22, the IDNIYRA Technical Committee members completed online meeting #4. Main focus is to deliver revised wording of Section A (fuselage) and section B (runner plank).

The main goals are:

  • Incorporate interpretations into Official Specifications
  • Rewrite to deliver more user friendly wording
  • Enrich each section with measurement guide incl. measurement drawings
  • Consolidate fragmented sections
  • Eliminate loopholes and grey areas by giving more precise definitions
  • Maintain unchanged specs

There are two more online meetings scheduled by September 1st.
IDNIYRA Technical Committee Members:
Jeff Kent US3535
David Croner S1
Paul Goodwin US46
Tomek Zackrzewski P55
Steve Orlebeke US4926
Argo Vooreemaa C36