Results of DN Official Specifications Ballot

Results of DN Official Specifications Ballot

UPDATE: (8:33 AM CT) In question 3, the column of combined opposed was corrected from 74 to 174. Sorry for the error.
UPDATE #2: (12:30 PM CT) In question 3, the percentage of those voting in favor of the proposal was corrected from 62% to 41%.

Members of IDNIYRA and IDNIYRA EU recently voted on four proposed changes to the IDNIYRA Technical Specifications: (1) deletion of the existing specification of mast minimum weight; (2) deletion of the existing technical specification of minimum mast balance point height; (3) amendment of the materials specification of the ‘wood type’ runner body; and, (4) amendment of the minimum thickness of insert plate dimensions of the wood type runner with steel insert (insert runner).  The results of the ballot follow.

Two hundred and thirty-three ballots were sent to IDNIYRA members of which 150 voted for a 64 percent return rate.  Two hundred and seven ballots were sent to IDNIYRA EU members of which 155 voted for a 75 percent return rate.  Two-thirds of the votes must support a measure for it to pass.

  • 1. Deletion of the Existing Specification of Minimum Mast Weight:
Organization In Favour Opposed Abstain
IDNIYRA 32 115 3
IDNIYRA EU 77 72 6
Combined 109 187 9

37 percent of those voting support proposal (1) so it fails.


  • 2. Deletion of the Existing Specification of Minimum Mast Balance Point:
Organization In Favour Opposed Abstain
IDNIYRA 37 111 2
IDNIYRA EU 91 59 5
Combined 128 170 7

43 percent of those voting support proposal (2) so it fails.


  • 3. Amendment of the Materials Specification of the ‘Wood Type’ Runner Body:
Organization In Favour Opposed Abstain
IDNIYRA 36 109 5
IDNIYRA EU 84 65 6
Combined 120 174 11

41 percent of those voting support proposal (3) so it fails.


  • 4. Amendment of the Minimum Thickness of Insert Plate Dimensions of the Wood Type Runner with Steel Insert (Insert Runner):
Organization In Favour Opposed Abstain
IDNIYRA 139 10 1
IDNIYRA EU 109 41 5
Combined 248 51 6

83 percent of those voting support proposal (4) so it passes.


Proposal 4, having passed, will come into effect on May 31, 2020 and will be reflected in the 2021 IDNIYRA Yearbook.

The members engagement in the voting process and the governance of the DN Class is very much appreciated.

Warren Nethercote, Commodore IDNIYRA

Attila Pataki, Commodore IDNIYRA EU

Notice of Ballot

Photo: Gretchen Dorian

Upcoming IDNIYRA Technical Ballot

On Wednesday 25 March members will be receiving invitations to vote in an on-line ballot on four proposed changes to the IDNIYRA Technical Specifications:
(1) deletion of the existing specification of mast minimum weight;
(2) deletion of the existing technical specification of minimum mast balance point height;
(3) amendment of the materials specification of the ‘wood type’ runner body; and,
(4) amendment of the minimum thickness of insert plate dimensions of the wood type runner with steel insert (insert runner).

The on-line ballot will close on Wednesday 15 April.


IDNIYRA and IDNIYRA EU members will vote separately and the two Governing Committees will combine the results of the two ballots. Two-thirds of those voting must approve a proposal for it to be approved. Any proposals approved will come into effect on May 31, 2020 and will be reflected in the 2021 IDNIYRA Yearbook.


This will be our first electronic ballot on specifications change proposals. Please take advantage of the convenience of an electronic ballot and vote!


Warren Nethercote, KC 3786
Commodore IDNIYRA

Results of the EPIC Agreement Ballot

Results of the EPIC Agreement Ballot

Members of IDNIYRA in North America and Europe recently received postal ballot concerning approval of the EPIC and Regatta Management Agreements, and deletion of the current Specifications Management System (SMS), because the EPIC and Regatta management Agreements would replace the SMS. Ballots closed on Novembers 29th and on November 30th the Executive Secretaries in North America and Europe organized the counting of ballots.

One hundred and fourteen ballots were received (51 in Europe and 63 in North America), of which 112 supported adoption of the EPIC and Regatta Management Agreements and deletion of the current Specifications Management System. Consequently, the EPIC and Regatta management Agreements are now in force and will be published in the upcoming IDNIYRA Yearbook. Adoption of the EPIC and Regatta Management Agreements also means that all future ballots of IDNIYRA members will be conducted electronically.

Warren Nethercote, Commodore IDNIYRA

Attila Pataki, Commodore IDNIYRA EU

Attention, Attention, Attention: Membership Alert

“Radically Participate”, become a member and vote!

Renew Membership
As Commodore Warren Nethercote wrote previously, the important postal vote regarding IDNIYRA class governing WILL happen this month. The ballots have been printed and will soon be collated, stuffed in envelopes, stamped, and mailed to North American members on November 9, 2019. There’s been a good response to our membership drive, but there are a few who have not renewed memberships for 2020. Please take a moment to renew online today so that your vote is counted.

If you have any questions about your membership, please contact Secretary Deb Whitehorse

Message from the IDNIYRA Commodore

Skipper’s meeting at the 2019 Gold Cup on Indian Lake in Ohio. Photo: Debbie Parker

Renew Membership

Special Message from the Commodore

Recently, Deb Whitehorse sent out a membership renewal reminder. The IDNIYRA By-laws define the membership year as November 1 through October 31st and only members in good standing may vote on Association affairs, per the IDNIYRA Constitution.

In the last column in Runner Tracks I said that we hoped to have simultaneous postal votes on the EPIC Agreement in North America and Europe this November. The new IDNIYRA EU is now operational and accepting memberships, so the simultaneous postal vote will happen! You should expect to receive ballots about the second week of November and will have to return them to the IDNIYRA Secretary on or before 29 November. Note well, to be counted, your ballot must be back to the Secretary, not just postmarked, by 29 November. This is a shorter turn-around than normal for postal ballots so that the result of the ballot can be reflected in the 2020 yearbook if the measure passes.

So … if you would like to receive a ballot to vote on the EPIC Agreement, please ensure that you renew your membership. The easiest way is on-line, at The best 26 bucks you’ve ever spent!

Background: In 2018, the North American and European Governing Committees jointly developed two documents, the EPIC (Established Procedures for Iceboat Competition) Agreement and the Regatta Management Agreement. We then published them in Runner Tracks to enable member feedback. These agreements (published in full at here ), if approved by the membership, would satisfy a several goals:

  • That we continue to sail the same DN in both North America and Europe
  • That we organize racing the same way in both North America and Europe
  • That we strengthen our trans-Atlantic relationships so that the DN continues to be the strongest iceboat class world-wide
  • That we replace the current Specifications Management System so that we can vote electronically on all matters, including technical specifications
  • That membership in the class be on the same basis in North America and Europe, i.e., an individual paying a fee to IDNIYRA or IDNIYRA EU.

If a 2/3rds majority of IDNIYRA and IDNIYRA EU member ballots approve the EPIC and Regatta Management Agreements, this will be the last postal vote conducted by the DN Class.
Warren Nethercote KC3786 Commodore IDNIYRA